Monday, May 7, 2012

Artist Events! Jenny Metz-SMP II Presentation!

Jenny Metz-SMP Presentation

            Jenny really took me by surprise with her photographic work this semester, although it was still really unique and beautiful. Her digital color photographs incorporated up close macro shots of areas that she finds particularly familiar to her. The title of her piece was Impression/Expression: The Manipulation and Distortion of Space In this work, blurred photographs of plants, beaches and even figures such as trees with blue skies as a background, all represent the essence created by these familiar places during our experiences. Jenny states that she took impressions of the areas, and turned them into photographs. I find this aspect particularly familiar because the actual photographs are only segments or parts of larger areas. For example, a simple photograph of beige, earthy, fungus-like figure in a grassy meadow looks like a small mushroom, but in actuality is the bottom of a large water fountain. This small impression of a larger place is expressed through her photographic works. I really think that she did an excellent job with portraying places that she finds familiar, even though her audience has never been to these places. I found myself really feeling like I was immersed in each environment and landscape. I think a lot of this had to deal with the fact that each photograph had a blurred background and only a segment of a larger picture represented. When only fragments are represented, they turn into entirely new areas and environments. Although I find Jennys work to be really interesting, I dont see too many similarities between her current work and my own. One small similarity that I find between our work though is the blurring out of certain areas of photographs. In my own work Ive made certain segments of my photographs less visible than the others, by using Vaseline or other semi-liquids such as lotion. Though, the reasons behind blurring out certain areas of our photographs are not the same.  

"#12 Disintegrate"

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