Sunday, April 22, 2012

Artist Statement

While working on this intention statement I thought a lot about all the work i've done, as well as my current work. Though, since I know an artist should write a new statement for each new work, this piece is primarily focused on my current project/final independent study project.

My artwork captures the physical evidence of social issues about homelessness in rural environments by transforming found objects and photographs into sculptural instillations that evoke the presence of abandoned homes.
          My process involves photographing an object or space in an abandoned area that has a lot of destruction and/or chaos to it, in my current community of southern Maryland. I then take these photographs and combine them with found objects, which are usually assumed to be trash or waste. The items include chairs, wallpaper, dirt, personal documents, desks and other household items.
         The act of collecting these objects and integrating them with photographs of the areas they were found in allows me to force the viewer into having a physicalized experience that makes them question their own location and space, and how or if they should respond. From these elements I can create a large-scale instillation of multiple layered objects and photographs that embody the voyeuristic denial that allows most of us to turn away from the social issues that inhabit this county.
         By combining found objects with photographs of abandoned homes and areas into full scale instillations I can express my personal struggle towards the carless disregard of the homeless community.

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